Seoulista Beauty Charcoal Detox Instant Facial Sheet Mask

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€8,99 EUR


Made from naturally derived bamboo, this one-step, no mess, no fuss cleansing face mask is infused with charcoal and volcanic ash to purify and decongest your skin.

Created and tested by dermatologists, our CHARCOAL DETOX Instant Facial™ is a natural bamboo mask designed to help purify and cleanse the skin. This clever no-mess face mask has been infused with an impressive duo of charcoal and volcanic ash. After just 20 minutes, your skin is cleansed, defined and detoxified, revealing a healthy, clear complexion.

Seoulista Beauty® Instant Facials™ are free from parabens, mineral oil, sulphates and artificial colours.


Do your something wonderful for your skin and give it the ultimate detox! The Charcoal Detox Instant Facial is the perfect cleansing face mask for the job. Pollutants and dirt from the environment, as well as other toxins, can clog pores. This often results in a duller complexion, redness or blackheads.

The charcoal peel off mask, infused with volcanic ash, works to deeply purify your skin in just twenty minutes. Detoxifying the congestion, reducing excess oil and tightening pores. The bamboo charcoal removes grime from the pores, aided by the exfoliating volcanic ash, leaving the face looking fresh, clear and healthy.

Other than eliminating impurities this charcoal face mask helps to lift and strengthen skin. It leaves skin smoother, more defined and feeling invigorated. This is the perfect cleansing face mask for travel. Or for those mornings where you haven’t removed your makeup, simply pop one on for twenty minutes to remove any trace of the previous night.


  • Eliminates toxins and impurities while cleansing the skin
  • Infuses the skin with a mineral and nutrient-rich serum
  • Refines skin structure and reduces large pores


Cleanse your face thoroughly. Remove mask from packaging, unfold, and peel off protective film. Press the Charcoal face mask to your face, smoothing to fit facial contours. Allow the serum to infuse for 20 minutes before removing. Do not wash off. Smooth the remaining serum into the skin.


  • Prep your skin by cleansing thoroughly with a konjac sponge before application.
  • Time precious? Use the night before and wake up to party-perfect skin.
  • For best results, use weekly.

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