Bondi Sands Self Tanning Face Mist - 1 Hour Express

Bondi Sands
In Stock
€19,95 EUR



Ready when you are, the Bondi Sands 1 Hour Express Face Mist is a quick and easy way to a natural-looking bronzed face tan in just one hour. With dual action formula to provide a bronzed, long lasting tan, this lightweight self-tanning mist will leave you hydrated with every application. Non-comedogenic – won’t clog pores, dermatologically tested & suitable for sensitive skin. Fragrance & Cruelty-Free. Vegan.

How to Use:
Step 1: Ensure face is clean, dry and free from any product.
Step 2: Shake well before use. Spray 4-6 pumps of 1 Hour Express Self Tanning Face Mist onto the Bondi Sands Application Mitt. As the formula has a guide color, be sure to blend gently into the face and neck in circular motions, immediately after application. Wash hands thoroughly after use.
Step 3: Rinse skin after one hour for a long lasting deep tan. For a deeper tan, leave on skin for two-three hours. Do not apply any other skincare products until colour has developed. Re-apply as desired.
Your clear choice for clean. Details, by category: • Beauty, Baby, Personal Care & Cleaning - formulated without Phthalates, Propyl-paraben & Butyl-paraben, Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and more. Also, cruelty free and/or not tested on animals • Feminine Care, Adult Care & Diapers - fragrance free and chlorine free. • Pets - formulated with meat, poultry, or seafood as the first ingredient, and without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives • Car Seats - fabric, foam and labels made without intentionally added Flame Retardants and Stain Repellent (PFAS) • Pest Control & Lawn Care - classified as a Minimum Risk Pesticide by the EPA. Formulated without Phthalates, Propyl-paraben & Butyl-paraben, Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and more.
Cruelty Free
A product has an independent third-party certification on pack or unqualified on-pack marketing claim relating to being cruelty-free and/or not tested on animals.
A product that carries an unqualified independent, third-party certification, or carries on-pack statement relating to the product being 100% vegan.

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