Elizabeth Arden Eye Shadow Trio

Elizabeth Arden
Out Of Stock
€22,50 EUR
Touch of Lavender 01
  • Touch of Lavender 01
  • Something Blue 02
  • Leaves Of Green 03
  • Oh So Pink 04
  • Forever Plum 06
  • Love Of Grey 07
  • Not So Nude 09
  • Smokey Nights 10


Add eye shadow trios to the customizable Little Black Compact (sold separately) to create your go-to palette for endless makeup looks. Choose and combine interchangeable eye shadow trios from a selection of curated, complementary colors. Each set of the long-wear and crease-resistant formula features an enhance shade that can be used as a base, a define shade for contouring and a highlight shade to brighten and open eyes. Go from day to night in shades from flattering neutrals to bright blues, greens, pinks and purples in a variety of matte, shimmery and metallic finishes.

The smooth, powder shadows can be applied wet or dry to achieve your desired level of color intensity. The formula is ophthalmologist tested and vitamin enriched. Unbelievable Results. Immediate Impact. Use wet or dry.

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