Chloé Eau de Parfum Rose Naturelle

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€78,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 100ml
  • 150ml Refill


Exuding the modern scent of organic rose, Chloé Eau de Parfum Naturelle is an irresistibly floral perfume for women, connecting the strength and spontaneity of nature with that of the free-spirited Chloé girl. Effortlessly elegant, as well as authentic and aware, she lives in harmony with the natural environment she cherishes and that inspires her.


This fresh and feminine eau de parfum for women is an eco-conscious perfume rooted in nature for wholesome luxury that resonates with the independent Chloé girl's lifestyle. Spritz on your wrists and neck to reveal a full expression of the graceful strength of nature. Vegan and  formulated with 100% natural origin fragrance, the eau de parfum is also formulated with ethically sourced ingredients and naturally derived alcohol to envelop you in floral freshness all day long. Each gentle whisper of the emblematic and woody organic rose will remind you of a serene, natural setting that soothes and awakens the spirit.


Hand-picked and ethically sourced, organic rose is the hero ingredient of this eau de parfum, opening the perfume with an airy and feminine aura complemented by Moroccan neroli. Fresh and delicate cedrat essence mingles with green, sparkling blackcurrant for an assertive spirit, while base notes of cedar essence add a powerful woody facet. Sensual mimosa highlights the scent's round character and elevates the floral heart notes.


The eco-designed sunray-pleated glass bottle includes 25% recycled materials and comes in sustainable cardboard packaging made of 40% recycled materials. Inspired by the Maison's iconic crêpe de chine blouse with a feminine neck tie, the timeless vintage-inspired bottle is adorned with a 100% recycled hand-tied ribbon in a new, natural shade of green.

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