Chloé Eau De Parfum

In Stock
€107,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 75ml
  • Body Lotion 200ml
  • 100ml Refillable


Freedom, lightness and femininity: these are the principles on which Chloe was founded in Paris more than 60 years ago. Today Chloé’s vision of romantic, effortless chic lives in ready-to-wear, accessories, and fragrances.

Chloé Eau de Parfum captures the creative, confident individuality of the Chloé woman. A fresh and feminine perfume suited to a free spirit with an utterly innate sense of chic.

The scent for women takes the classic rose and ingeniously translates it into a vibrant perfume, intimate and sensual. Chloé Eau de Parfum begins with a combination of floral powdery notes, hints of peony and lychee and springtime freesia. The airy, flirtatious head notes drift away to reveal the richer and more sensual side of the rose. The distinctive character of this unique rose is accompanied by magnolia and lily of the valley, as well as subtle intimations of warm amber and elegant cedarwood.

The fragrance is enclosed in a modern, delicately pleated bottle adorned with a hand-tied ribbon.

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