Chloé Eau De Toilette

Out Of Stock
€57,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 75ml


Freedom, lightness and femininity: these are the principles on which Chloe was founded in Paris more than 60 years ago.

Today Chloe's vision of romantic, effortless chic lives in ready-to-wear, accessories, and fragrances. For Chloe Eau de Toilette, delicateness is the hallmark of elegance. It is a unique floral composition that plunges you into an infusion of white roses.

From the very first notes, its freshness makes it different. The fragrance cultivates every syllable of its predecessors' distinctive beauty: it all comes down to the rose. Only this time it reveals a new facet, lighter and softer than ever, thanks to the accords of magnolia mixed with gardenia, Inspired by the Fortuny pleat in the Chloe collections, the bottle displays its unique distinctive relief and the genuine silver-dipped band at its collar. A white ribbon tied in a simple knot around the neck evokes the tender white rose inside.

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