Cicaplast Baume B5 spf50 40ml

La Roche-Posay
In Stock
€13,00 EUR


eplenish the look of dry, sensitive skin with the La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 Repairing Balm SPF 50. The lightweight formula absorbs fast, avoiding any sticky, greasy residue being left behind. Highly versatile, the multi-purpose balm is ideal for use on dry, rough of chapped patches of skin, along with scrapes, grazes and recent tattoos, reducing the appearance of dryness, irritation and coarseness. This is thanks to an infusion of potent yet skin-loving Madecassoside, which encourages the look of smoother, more comforted skin.  

The nourishing balm is enriched with SPF 50, offering optimum protection against UVA and UVB rays, allowing you to be safe in the knowledge that your skin is shielded from the harsh effects of the sun. Ideal for popping into your bag for top-ups on the go, the practical and convenient balm is the perfect product to avoid ever being caught out by harsh external aggressors or skin discomfort. The balm can be used on the face and body, avoiding the lips and delicate eye-area.

Suitable for adults and children.

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