Cicaplast Gel B5 40ml

La Roche-Posay
In Stock
€16,50 EUR


Create the optimum environment for skin healing with La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Gel B5 Pro-Recovery Skincare, a soothing gel with an invisible bandage texture
Created to protect the skin’s natural barrier after it’s been compromised or damaged, this insulating gel helps to instantly soothe, smoothe and relieve itching
The multi-purpose skin reconstructor is ideal for the entire family, including children
Its non-sticky, non-greasy, silicone-based gel texture is exceptionally lightweight and doesn’t overburden sensitive skin or lips
Cicaplast acts as an insulator for damaged skin, keeping it protected with antibacterial agents while keeping external aggressors away from the area
As well as healing the epidermis, the gel acts as a soothing and moisturising treatment to relieve the itchiness and tightness of damaged skin following laser treatments, stitches and cosmetic peels

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