Elie Saab ELIXIR Eau De Parfum Spray

Elie Saab
In Stock
€66,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


A new opus of femininity on the ELIE SAAB brand : ELIE SAAB ELIXIR the new eau de parfum, a love potion sparkling with sensuality.

A floral oriental bouquet imagined as the love potion of a powerful, deeply sensual and magnetic woman.
At the note’s heart, the orris from Lebanon is combined with a love accord, an olfactive creation that recreates a powerful emotion of attachment and seduction.
This most addictive note’s heart is brightened by a sparkling duo of neroli and mandarin. A carnal accord with ambery facets of myrrh and benzoin warm the note to create an irresistible trail.
To tell this new story, a new bottle shaped like a precious sphere and faceted to contain its enchanting elixir. The bottle cap is golden and engraved with the monogram of ELIE SAAB’s house, an immediate link with the couture craftmanship of the brand. The name of the fragrance, ELIXIR, is written in sensual red letters.
ELIE SAAB ELIXIR is the captivating and profoundly sensual signature of absolute femininity.

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