Gloves In A Bottle

Begleys Pharmacy
Out Of Stock
€8,50 EUR



100ml tube - 100 Applications

The lotion is perfect to use if you experience dry, red, sore and cracked skin on your hands.

If you are in a position where you are constantly washing your hands causing the skin to be irritated, then the Gloves In A Bottle lotion will help protect your skin to leave it softer and smoother. 

The Gloves In A Bottle has been described as an Invisible Pair Of Gloves.

Gloves in a Bottle is a hypoallergenic shielding lotion, protects & retains natural skin moisture for many skin conditions like eczema, dry or cracked skin, psoriasis, contact allergy. It blocks out everyday chemicals and irritants, acts as a moisturizer, stays on for hours and promotes healing. Made in USA.

  • Helps the skin to lock in moisture
  • Helps the skin to keep out toxins, allergens and dirt.
  • Effective on eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis & skin allergies

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