Inglot Complexion Perfection Skin Palettes

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€20,00 EUR
  • Fair
  • Deep


Introducing Inglot's Complexion Perfection Skin Palettes. Two stunning trio palettes, containing everything you need to enhance your natural beauty in one compact, magnetic palette. 

Want an airbrushed, flawless finish? Follow these quick steps!

Inglot’s Skin Warming Bronzer will add heat and dimension to your skin. Bring your cheeks back to their heavily peach, natural glow with Inglot’s Radiant and Luminous Blusher. Finally, then add Inglot’s Bestselling Setting Powder to bring hydration back to your skin, giving you a long lasting, complexion perfecting finish! 


Complexion Perfection Palette Shade Deep: Suitable for Darker Skin Tones 

  • Powder: Apply this deep Olive toned powder all over the face for a long lasting, locked in place look!
  • Blush: Want your cheekbones to really stand out? Apply this pink subtle shimmered blush and watch them come to life!
  • Bronze/contour: Sculpt your face, jawline, nose and eyes, using this deep rich bronzer. Top Tip: pop this shade all over the eyes for an everyday, natural look. We love a multi-use product!


Complexion Perfection Palette Shade Fair: Suitable for Light to Medium Skin Tones 

  • Powder: Use this fair, yellow toned powder to brighten under eye or set your look in place! 
  • Blush: Enhance your cheekbones and add a natural sunkissed finish with this dreamy, peach toned blush. 
  • Bronzer/Contour: Add dimension to your face with this warm walnut bronzer. Use to contour and bronze the face, jawline and nose. Top Tip: pop this shade all over the eyes for an everyday, natural look. We love a multi-use product!

Cruelty Free

Dermatologically Tested 

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